Applications for the 2025 Grant are Open
Guiding Questions for Grant Applicants
Thank you for your interest in the Pabst Steinmetz Foundation grant process. Please weigh these guiding questions as you consider your application for this award.
Does this Initiative…
- Address an issue at a critical/“teachable” moment, moving institutional and community progress from a plateau to a higher level of scale, quality and productivity?
- Demonstrate an innovative approach to the issue?
- Possess a potential “ripple effect” affecting more people in more places? Can it be replicated and brought to scale through education and training? Can matching grants be found to enhance scale and shorten time horizon?
- Have the potential to serve as a catalyst for change and impact on community?
- Encourage collaboration when required?
- Impact local and regional communities, primarily in Florida?
- Possess the potential for sustainability?
- Develop a connection between arts and wellness?*
*Depending on the content for your application.